Shaping Future Aviation through Collaboration

EIC Accelerator

2024 – 2026

Skypuzzler will use the EIC (European Innovation Council) accelerator project to continuously update and improve Skypuzzler’s Digital Air Traffic Control to adapt to changes in legislation and technological advancements in the drone industry. The team aims to model Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and profiles in software, providing a dynamic approach to path planning. Additionally, Skypuzzler plans to develop a model that considers aerodynamics and weight, enabling the algorithm to determine the best-optimised route based on the specific characteristics of each UAV.

Circle with logos with a blue frame


2023 – 2025

CONDUCT (sCaling the drOne iNdustry through enhanceD Unmanned traffiC managemenT), a project by Skypuzzler ApS and Belgian Unifly NV, is creating an innovative solution to enable automated tactical deconfliction for drones. It facilitates real-time adjustments to flight routes when multiple drones are in the same airspace flying BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line Of Sight). This initiative will empower an Advanced Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) system by combining Skypuzzler’s integrated Digital Air Traffic Control (iDATC), with Unifly’s UTM system. By automating tactical deconfliction, CONDUCT accelerates the drone industry and promotes environmental sustainability by reducing CO2 emissions and supporting the green transition.



The AC-DC (Autonomous deConfliction of Drone-Congested areas) project is a feasibility study of Performance-Based Navigation (PBN). It defines and designs a high-precision/high-accuracy module to support the effective and efficient deconfliction of drones in congested areas. The project will use satellite navigation resources such as GPS and Galileo HAS technologies in different combinations to understand the possibilities in sub-meter precision and accuracy. This will enable Skypuzzler to understand the challenges and possibilities of PBN.

AAM NextGen Drones

2023 – 2026

AAM NextGen Drones (Advanced Air Mobility Next Generation Drones) is a visionary project dedicated to sustainable, flexible air mobility solutions. Led by HCA Airport, Skypuzzler is a proud partner that contributes with our expertise in flight safety and drone infrastructure. The project aims to develop and demonstrate eVTOL vertiport concepts that can connect areas with high and low population densities and a comprehensive action plan to establish a nationwide advanced air mobility infrastructure in Denmark.

Skypuzzler's Solution